It's reputation has gotten a little worse over the last several hours!
After fiddling with a couple nice frames of 35mm I finally went back to the
location with the Oly C5050 and took a couple of quick shots.
A few minutes in PS Elements, Print, Done, Nice! From a Point and Shoot!
(Albeit a VERY nice one.)
I'm got some real concerns here, I've got some great film gear but it
doesn't do much good if it
can't be turned into decent prints in a reasonable amout of time/money.
I REALLY don't want to set up a color darkroom again, and I hate sending
film away for printing, too much control lost.
The local labs are little more than 1hr photos. Or WAY expensive.
The D is sounding less expensive all the time.

All suggestions welcome! :-/


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Butch Black [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:55 PM
> Subject: RE: 35mm Scanning Prices?
> Don Wrote:
> I'm pretty disappointed  with my film scanner so I priced scanning at the
> local camera shop this morning.
> What I got was:
> $17.00 US for develop and scan at 1600x1200.(36 Exp.)
> $31.50 US for develop and scan at 2000x3000.
> That sounds pretty high if that does not include a set of prints. We get
> $4.00 for a 1024x1536 resolution CD plus about $3.50 to develop the negs.
> It's about $15.00 with a set of 4x6 prints. Most mini labs offering cd's
> should have something similar.
> The PF1800 has a pretty poor reputation. You may be able to find
> a good deal
> on a used Nikon scanner.
> Butch

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