Well, it is of course possible, that any specific sample of some lens is not well aligned. However, in my test the A*85/f1.4 did perform quite well at wide open, and I guess that a misalignment would show especially at wide. To me it seems that the A*85/f1.4 is optimized for wide open performance, for high contrast at wide open, and for infinity. Let us not forget that the measured resolution is valid for one object distance, only, in each measurement. Maybe in your test the distance was bigger than in mine?


Rob Studdert schrieb:

Your measurements and more importantly trends don't correlate at all well with mine for the A*85/1.4 either. My 50mm tests in this same series to which I'm referring do however align quite well with most other tests that I'm aware of.

Maybe your A*85/1.4 has an alignment problem? I have yet to do a technical appraisal of the comparative performance of my A*85/1.4 and 77LTD however given my experience with both lenses I don't expect to observe the differential that you measured.

But back to the initial question the 77LTD can be used quite successfully wide open. IMHO there is really nothing else that you can buy in PK mount that will be as good in AF, so your choices are limited in any case

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