Henk, thanks for taking the time to comment on the PUG as you did.

Kenneth Waller
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Henk Terhell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: August PUG comments

> Okay, let me throw in some comments on August PUG, after all the
> discussions on the way people see PUG vs PAWs. Perhaps this wil start
> some more talk on the PUG pics. In the first place let me say I like all
> these pictures so don't see my comments in any way as being negative.
> North Face (of Denali): wished I was there... For me the black part,
> although highly functional here, is a bit too dominant, but that's the
> way it is and there is nothing you can do about it. 
> Henk Terhell

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