
Thanks for the kind comments re 'The Hug'. I wish I could say
I planned it but the kids just went into a hug and I snapped a shot.
Happily everything just came together perfectly.

Another great selection of images again this month.
Here are my comments on a few of the shots which caught my attention:

" Cry From The Woods " - Echoes of Munch's 'The Scream'. Very
  interesting image and well spotted.

" Rain in Brussels " - Beautiful soft image - catches the mood

" High Drama in Auckland Domain. " - Special mention for the
  best comments of the month.

" King Draco " - Great range of tones, very sharp and contrasty.
  I prefer the B&W version to the colour one.

" Haley's Ring " - I'm beginning to recognise Frank's work based on his
  style alone. Nice work - and good luck with your job search.

" These Eyes " - A beautiful young lady with a great smile.

" North Face (of Denali) " - Very dramatic

" The Hug " - A work of such brilliance that it leaves me
  speechless.... oops, sorry - that one's mine <VBG> !!!

 Fred Widall,
 Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 URL: http://www.ist.uwaterloo.ca/~fwwidall

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