--- Lon Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > So, Rob,
William, JCO, et al -
> How much of an enlargement do you feel you can get
> with
> landscapes from 35mm before you're disappointed? 
> 5x7?
> 8x10?  Surely not 11x14, or so I would think.
> I've only ever shot 35mm, so I'd like to know your
> personal experience.
the maths* suggest that around 12inches along the long
side is the limit, and I have had some good prints
from Fuji Velvia of technical shots enlarged to this
size.     Landscape depends a lot on the subject and
the viewer, one chap I know has a huge print of a
local beach at sunset over his mantle, must be 3x2
feet at least, looks fine, very attractive, of course,
if you get up close you can almost count the grains...

Use a tripod, fine grained film, best lenses at
optimum aperture (8,11??) get out when there is not
too much wind, find a decent processor, (not always
easy) and the results should be useable up to 12 or 15

 *50lpmm = 100dpmm
100x36 = 3600,  3600/300dpi = 12inches...

Cheers from Tom who has been far to busy doing music
and stuff for the 50th aniversary of Sidmouth Folk
Festival to do more than take a few snaps with the
*istD let alone finish setting up his darkroom and
take some 5x7s....

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