As I mentioned elsewhere, the K/M lenses work fine.  But the whole
approach, while clever, does smack of "afterthought", which doesn't
exactly inspire confidence in the future. OTOH, who knows what Pentax
thinks?  It could simply be that they rushed the *ist D to market as
fast as they could  and some stuff got left off.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/8/2004 8:47:44 AM >>>
All of your pentax lenses are useable on the *istD. I have some FA 
lenses, but I prefer many of my K-series versions and shoot with them.

The first release *istD did not have the necessary firmware to meter 
with K lenses. The new ones do, and they work fine. It's simply a 
matter of selecting your ap and pushing a button before you fire. The 
camera will then select a shutter speed. It's center weighted metering,

and it works fine. Basically, you have a metering function similar to 
ap priority on the LX. Of course, with A lenses, the *istD provides the

full range of metering option.
On Aug 7, 2004, at 9:28 PM, Caveman wrote:

> And the final question. Since now I'm on a shopping spree, I'm also 
> looking at something more serious, like a DSLR. In my price range are

> the Nikon D70, Canon 10D and digirebel, and the *ist D. Which one 
> should caveman buy ? (in its infinite wisdom Pentax made my current 
> lenses unusable on the *ist, so I'm open to any suggestion).
> cheers,
> caveman

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