One anecdote does not science make. Just because
you are very satisfied with a given lens doesn't mean
there isnt something better out there that will
perform better given toughter test conditions like much
higher resolution films/sensors and/or more flare prone shooting
conditons. I suggest you try some of the newer
6 element MC enlarging lenses at close range with a bellows &
really fine grain film for comparison and also
with some really bright reflections in the image
to test the flare resistance. If you are satisfied
that is all that really matters but it doesn't mean
that is as good as it gets. Also, if you are into
1:1 is is a known fact that the symmetrical designs
are much better for 1:1 than any non symmetrical
could ever hope to achieve. They make lenses JUST
FOR 1:1 that suck at infinity wide open but will crush everything
else at that 1:1 magnification. 

-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: 50 or 100 mm

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: 50 or 100 mm

> Regarding the pseudo-zoom Macros,
>  William Robb wrote ( edited ) :
> > there is absolutely nothing wrong with
> >the lens design.
> >
> I am sorry but that couldn't be more wrong. There is something "wrong"

> with every lens ever made, none of them are perfect. The optical 
> designers have to make lots of compromises in nearly every parameter 
> and to say that the pseudo-zoom macros have "absolutely nothing wrong"

> with them is going a little to far IMHO. Adding all those extra 
> elements to achieve wider focus range is going to improve some 
> parameters most notably infinity performance at wider apertures but at

> the same time
> others
> like contrast and flare and quality control. It is a choice the 
> designers and marketing dept felt was worthwhile or more valuable to 
> the
> or they would not have done it.

Allow me to rephrase that then.
Based on my single A100mm f/2.8 lens sample, I have found nothing to
complain about regarding the lens design in question. It is as sharp a
lens as I have seen (I have seen a lot of very good lenses BTW), has
excellent contrast, and flare has never been a problem. For me, there is
nothing wrong with the lens design, since I have yet to find a better
performing lens in it's focal length and focusing range.

Happy now?

William Robb

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