Digital still cant match what you can do with a 4x5 FILM
camera and lens that costs less than a DSLR body alone.

For people who's reference of quality is 35mm or Medium
format film, sure DSLR can replace that, but it isnt
even close to 4x5 quality and wont be for quite some
time to come unless very large sensors suddenly become
cheap and all the indications are they wont.

Im am not trying to say that the average person should be
shooting 4x5 film, I'm just saying for those who know and want
really good quality, there is no affordable digital at this
time or in the near future. That is still the domain of FILM.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Dayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:34 AM
To: Cotty
Subject: Re: It's over (was Re: Ilford in trouble? and digi snappers)

I've only got about 9 months one mine now, but with two bodies probably
in the neighborhood of 13,000 frames and my face hurts from grinning.

It is ironic how often those who actually start to use a DSRL, thinking
they will use film cameras along with it, find that they rarely use the
film cameras anymore.

One thing to remember, is that almost all those who like digital used to
shoot film.  It's not as if they have no clue what shooting film is
like.  They have tried both and found digital to be more preferable (not
without issues, but film has issues too).  Remember I am talking about
comparably handling cameras - film SLR vs. DSLR.  When I had a Coolpix
990 P&S digital and my film cameras, I still shot film for anything
beyond quick snaps.  With a DSLR, well I sold all my film equipment.

Best regards,

Wednesday, August 25, 2004, 12:35:29 AM, you wrote:

C> On 25/8/04, Toralf Lund, discombobulated, unleashed:

>>guess a question that still remains to be answered is what people will
>>think about digital cameras after they have been using them for a

C> In nearly two years and 10,000 shots all I've done is blown dust off 
C> the sensor about half a dozen times. The camera continues to perform 
C> faultlessly. The grin is still there.

C> Cheers,
C>   Cotty

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