It is equally interesting how all the film users have an equal number
of justifications.  Seems to be a rather natural thing about humans.
We all want everyone else to think our choices make sense.  I don't
get the feeling from most on this list that anyone has made a bad
decision given their needs, wants and circumstances regarding film and

Best regards,

Wednesday, August 25, 2004, 2:46:54 PM, you wrote:

g> Now we are talking the opposite of convenience. How long does it take to make
g> those 129 images and stitch them together. And then you show it on the Internet?

g> Makes a 20x24 inch camera seem rather convenient to me.

g> I find it interesting that all the digiheads still have to justify their
g> expensive cameras. If you like it use it. If you don't stick to film. If you are
g> smart, you use both for their particular strengths. Anyone who thinks a 35mm SLR
g> is good for any kind of photography, will think the same about digital, and
g> unless I am reading this list wrong that is 90% of you.

g> No one in their right mind thinks Joe Sixpack cares anything about quality, and
g> he never bought a film camera that cost over $29.95 in his life. He loves
g> digital. Nuff said?

g> --

g> Gonz wrote:

>> Yea, but if you want the ultimate, see this:
>> 4x5 doesnt even come close.  And it doesnt have to stop there, you can
>> keep going and going....
>> rg
>> J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>>> Digital still cant match what you can do with a 4x5 FILM
>>> camera and lens that costs less than a DSLR body alone.
>>> For people who's reference of quality is 35mm or Medium
>>> format film, sure DSLR can replace that, but it isnt
>>> even close to 4x5 quality and wont be for quite some
>>> time to come unless very large sensors suddenly become
>>> cheap and all the indications are they wont.
>>> Im am not trying to say that the average person should be
>>> shooting 4x5 film, I'm just saying for those who know and want
>>> really good quality, there is no affordable digital at this
>>> time or in the near future. That is still the domain of FILM.
>>> JCO
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Bruce Dayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday,
>>> August 25, 2004 11:34 AM
>>> To: Cotty
>>> Subject: Re: It's over (was Re: Ilford in trouble? and digi snappers)
>>> I've only got about 9 months one mine now, but with two bodies probably
>>> in the neighborhood of 13,000 frames and my face hurts from grinning.
>>> It is ironic how often those who actually start to use a DSRL, thinking
>>> they will use film cameras along with it, find that they rarely use the
>>> film cameras anymore.
>>> One thing to remember, is that almost all those who like digital used to
>>> shoot film.  It's not as if they have no clue what shooting film is
>>> like.  They have tried both and found digital to be more preferable (not
>>> without issues, but film has issues too).  Remember I am talking about
>>> comparably handling cameras - film SLR vs. DSLR.  When I had a Coolpix
>>> 990 P&S digital and my film cameras, I still shot film for anything
>>> beyond quick snaps.  With a DSLR, well I sold all my film equipment.

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