They would really be upset if after you wiped the card for them it wouldn't
work in their camera!  Deleting just the images is usually ok, but of course
many digital cameras including mine will not work if you do not format the
card in the camera itself.  For some reason I also wind up with garbage
files left on the CF card sometimes doing this as well.  Possibly because
they are hidden, or because I did it in ACDSEE and they were files this
program didn't recognise.

> I have a few customers who are so technically inclined (NOT!!), that
> they hand their card to me, and have me make them a print of each
> file then wipe the card for them.
> This keeps it as easy as film for them, but puts a load on the lab.
> This is the customer type who should have stayed with film, but got
> pressured into digital by the continual marketing onslaught that says
> everything digital is better.
> Or by a family member. It doesn't matter.
> William Robb

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