----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Billy Abbott"
Subject: Re: It's over (was Re: Ilford in trouble? and digi snappers)

> They don't *have* to do that...they can just use the default
setting. Like
> someone with a new do-everything-but-mow-the-lawn film P&S they may
have a
> quick read through the manual and see what fancy things the camera
> but they'll probably just leave it as the manufacturer gave it to
> For the simple snapshotter, there isn't that much difference
between the
> difficulty of using film and digital. I do not claim that digital
> easier, but for the average user who doesn't want to faff with the
> it is as easy as film.

Be that as it may, they as often as not manage to bugger something
up, usually file size. I print a lot of 640x480 files up to 4x5 inch
Perhaps this is the default setting for the cameras, I don't know.
When I mention that they need to give me bigger files, they gat this
blank look like as if I am no longer speaking English.
Digital really does require a knowledge base that film doesn't
require, and the custmers really do resist being anything other than
stupid for the most part.
And we haven't even begun to delve into batteries and chargers and
all the little things that make those electronic marvels work.
What seems to happen is that the more possibilities you give a
consumer to foul up, the more they will take advantage of those

William Robb

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