Joseph Tainter quoted someone else:
> I was sitting up about 2a.m. watching TV and an interesting commercial 
> came on. "There are 4 major camera companies," it starts out. "Canon, 
> Olympus, Fuji, and Pentax," it continues, "Only one is the official 
> camera of the internet, Pentax." Well, I thought this to be very odd for 
> a few reasons:
> 2. What reasoning do they have behind calling themselves, "The official 
> camera of the internet?"

I'd been planning to comment on this as well, but I wanted to
hear the commercial again in case I'd misheard something the
first time (IIRC I heard it during prime time, but I can't
remember if it was on television or radio).

I'm all for seeing "my brand" promoted, but this bit did give
me pause as well.  What entity could grant such a status on
behalf of "the Internet"?  

(Okay, I guess Pentax could propose an RFC and get it accepted,
but ...)

                                        -- Glenn

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