On Fri, 27 Apr 2001 06:51:04 -0700 (PDT), petit miam wrote:

>What depth of field? Where? Why do you want DOF in
>macro shots anyway? I like my subject to stand out
>from the out-of-focus background. 
>You certainly haven't convinced me. I'm going to stick
>with my analogue cameras for a very long time.


You want depth of field in macro shots for when you are photographing 3
dimensional objects.  It's really annoying to have the top and bottom
of the subject of your picture out of focus and only a small amount in
the middle actually in focus.

>> I'm not much of a fan of the current digital cameras
>> but they sure do a nice job for macro due to their
>> small
>> sensors and short focal lengths ( = MUCHO depth of
>> field ).
>> I struggled using 35mm for slotcars ( never enuff
>> DOF at high mags unless I shot at f22).

I personally don't like digital for macro, the reason macro lenses have
f32 is so that you can use it - you just have to either shoot things
that don't move or use LOTS of flash.



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