---------------- original -----------------
From: Shel Belinkoff 
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 08:04:31 -0700 

One thing that everyone seems to be missing is that the M and the A lenses
may provide different results wrt color.  That may be an issue for some
people under some circumstances, such as photographing the same subject
using the different lenses.  IOW, the benefit of using one series or
another may outweigh whatever benefit there is to using both.  Personally,
I like the idea of all my lenses, at least for a particular photo session,
to behave similarly.

Shel Belinkoff
---------------- original -----------------

Good point.
One should also judge lab results in this combination as well.
Even among pro labs, some print "warmer" than others.


C. Brendemuehl

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-- John Calvin (1509-64)

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