On Sep 4, 2004, at 2:30 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

Using this utility it's evident that even AdobeRGB clips the printable gumut of
an Epson 2100 printer.

Yes it does, but not by much (according to my ColorSync plot).

Pro Photo RGB encloses them pretty much completely but there is also a lot of wasted dynamic range. That's the price you pay.

I wouldn't worry too much about a little bit of clipping as it's only on highly saturated images where you'll have problems.

I found the concept presented at http://www.photogamut.org/ interesting, they
have supposedly designed a real world universal profile which was modelled on
real device data however when comparing the PhotoGamutRGB.icc with the Epson
2100 device profile there are significant indications of clipping.

This sounds like quite a good idea. I've downloaded their profile - it looks quite well suited to use with an Epson 2100. BTW I'm using some "high quality" 2200 profiles downloaded from Epson USA. I'll be ordering custom profiles from Dry Creek Photo soon as even the improved Epson profiles aren't quite satisfying me.

To be pedantic, a working colour space is meant to be device independent but somewhere along the line reality has to bite and for best results the working space does need to be tailored to suit the capabilities of your intended input and output devices. Note I did not say preview devices :)

Yes unfortunately it appears that there isn't yet a colour savvy web Browser
for the Windows platform, very sad indeed.

It doesn't bother me too much. 99.9% of computer users don't have calibrated or profiled monitors anyway, and it would only be useful to people such as ourselves who want to view high quality photos online. If a web image has been saved with a profile you can always save it and open it in Photoshop.

That would be good, currently it's all a bit daunting until you study scattered
resources and finally manage to tie up all the seemingly un-related

The annoying thing is that the more you learn, the more confusing it gets. And it doesn't necessarily work because you ideally need custom profiles for everything.


- Dave


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