If continous open aperture AE is so unimportant why did the top line
model pentax offered from about 1973 on have it? Secondly I know
the differece between true AE and what the ist D is offers. If you
have to press a button every time you want a new automatic exposure
that is really just a modified metered manual because it takes human
to keep updating the reading, true AE is continously updated fully

-----Original Message-----
From: Frantisek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 9:08 PM
To: J. C. O'Connell
Subject: Re: istDs - what a great camera!

Thursday, September 16, 2004, 1:37:41 AM, J. wrote:
JCOC> What the hell has that got to do with it?
JCOC> I don't need to buy or hold one to know
JCOC> it cant do open aperture metering or open
JCOC> aperture AE.

Oh great. A whiner who has never handled the item he whines about.

Although I can understand quite well your concern for planned
obsolescence, let's look at it more pragmatically - when ever do you
need to change exposure so quickly that you need AE with manual focus
lens? You can just as quickly press the green button every few seconds.
And if you think that's inconvenient, just ask some photojournalists -
HyM mode would be my most used one, if my current cameras had it
(different brand <g>).

Good light!

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