You can still check the DOF by stopping down, which to me, is better than looking at the ap ring. But that's just me. If you use an A lens on the *istD, you still get your DOF scale. Nothing different there than you would get if you used it on an LX.

Don't get me wrong. I'm basically a traditionalist. I like to shoot with a fifty year old Leica and a hand held meter -- or no meter at all. I will never sell my Barnack Leica, my LX, my last Spotmatic, my H3v or my Spotmatic F. And I love the smell of hypo and stop bath. But I also know a good thing when I see it, and the Pentax *istD is a good thing. I assume the *istDs is as well.

On Sep 16, 2004, at 8:37 PM, Keith Whaley wrote:

Paul Stenquist wrote:

On Sep 16, 2004, at 7:52 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

You can still buy current lenses from Pentax with fully functional aperture
rings, I'd like to be able to utilize the aperture ring control on the current
cameras too.

This I don't get, so enlighten me. Why do you need to turn the aperture ring if you can select the aperture with the cameras ap dial? What do you gain by turning the ring?

If that means the camera can be set to aperture priority, it seems okay. But, it's not like looking at a set of engraved white numbers and checking the D.O.F.


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