On 17/9/04, John Forbes, discombobulated, unleashed:

>If we're talking money, it's the pigs that bring home the bacon.

Okay, so there's this travelling salesman whose car breaks down right
outside a farm. Not having a cell phone (cos his battery ran flat, right!
?!?) he nips up the drive to the farm and hammers on the farmers door to
ask if he can use the telephone to call the breakdown truck. The farmer
lets this bloke in and while he's on the phone he notices this pig
outside trotting around the yard. It seems to be hobbling a bit and in
fact our salesman notices that this pig has, in fact, a wooden leg. After
he comes off the phone he asks the farmer if that's his pig? The farmer
says ooh aaarh yes that be my pig, that be. And so the salesman asks why
it has a wooden leg. The farmer waxes lyrical about the pig and tells the
salesman how that pig saved his life one day - he was changing a wheel on
the tractor and the bloody thing fell on him and so that pig came along
and jacked up the tractor, pulled the farmer out from underneath,
finished changing the wheel, nursed the farmer back to health, etc etc.
Bloody maaaaarvellous  pig, that pig. The salesman is impressed but asks
again why it has a wooden leg. The farmer beams. That pig's bloody
maaaarvellous. Takes the wife and kids to church in Sundays. Comes home
and makes the roast lunch. Cleans the house. Does the shopping. Bloody
maaaarvellous pig, that pig. Yes I know, but why has it got a wooden leg
asks the salesman. The farmer looks quizzical and says well blimey when
you gots something that good, you don't eat 'im all at once, do ya?

Boom boom.


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