On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 23:08:50 +0200, Jens Bladt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a photograph I took this morning, right after sunrise (7:30 AM).
> I enjoy making panoramas for my employer/work. I shot these (25 shots) in
> RAW format with the *ist D and my SMC M*4/300mm. Then converted them to
> JPEG's in Phase One SE (trial version) and stitched them together in Foto
> Vista 3.0. I like this nature reserve very much. It has been appointed an
> international habitat for birds by the EU. The nature reserve is off limits
> (for humans) from April 15th. to July 1st.
> Thie original image file in 72 ppi was 7 meters long!!!
> Sorry 'bout the overexposure/burned out high lights!
> http://gallery46369.fotopic.net/p7816978.html

Sadly, the pano is so small on my screen, I can't really get an proper
idea of how it looks.  There's simply no detail, other than some boats
and a shoreline in the background, and even then it's hard to see.

I'd love to see it properly printed and displayed, as I'm sure I'd
like it, but as is, I really don't feel comfortable commenting on it,
other than to say, "I'm sure it would look good blown up".


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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