On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 14:57:35 -0400, J. C. O'Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can shoot totally manual too, even without a light
> meter. What does that prove with regards to the subject?
> Nothing. I was arguing open aperture TTL metering
> is better than stop down TTL metering, not whether I
> absolutely depended on either...Its an OPTIONAL feature,
> an inferior OPTIONAL feature compared to the open aperture
> metering OPTIONAL feature.

And a separate spot meter is better than both, and an incident meter
is often better than a reflective meter, and a Sony F828 is better
than an F717, and Canon is better than Pentax, and who cares?  If it
works for you, use it.  If it doesn't, either learn to make it work or
stop whining and do something different.

Thought I'd pop by the list again with my brand spankin' new gmail
address to see what's been happening, and the only argument going on
is about metering?  Makes me nostalgic for the good ol' days. 
Whatever happened to politics, Mafud, and C/N bashing?


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