
> From: The Diabolical Dr Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/10/13 Wed AM 11:12:23 GMT
> Subject: Question about shutter release cables


> So, I was wondering... does anyone here know (and is willing to share that 
> knowledge ;-)) if ALL pentax electric able release switches operate on this 
> same priciple? Because if so, I can simply make plug adapters for the 
> different systems, and use the MZ-6's cable to operate all cameras. I'd be 
> happy to put the "how-to" drawings on the web somewhere.
> And yes, I'm cheap ;-).

And rather unlucky.  If you find an "adaptor" for any of the (as far as I can find 
out) custom Pentax fittings, be sure to let the list know.  There are rather a lot of 
us who will be wanting to do the same.  Which is why Pentax has made them 


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