The Diabolical Dr Z a écrit :

Hello. A while ago I bought a shutter release cable switch for my MZ-6 (ZX-L), because when working with hand-held long lenses, I usually need both hands for focussing and camera support, and consequently lack a limb to press the shutter button. When I received the switch, I felt a bit cheated for paying € 42 (which was a bargain; most shops here ask about € 70) for what essentially is a walkman headphone cord with a button that shorts the three leads together; short one lead to mass and the thing focusses/calculates the exposure, short the third lead to the other two and the thing trips the shutter. I probably could have fabricated one myself for € 2 or so. Now, I don't mind paying top money for decent stuff, but this mark-up is ridiculous IMHO.

My (french) solution:

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