As little as a year ago one could go into any discount electronic store and purchase a Pentax 35mm compact or digital camera. Today, at least in the upper mid-west, there are no such Pentax cameras to be found. You cannot find a Pentax camera of any kind in Best Buy, Sams, Walmart or Target in my region. Canon, Nikon, Konica/Minolta, Olympus, Fuji etc film and digital cameras are stocked in these stores, but not our favorite brand. I would assume that quite a few people purchase their compact film and digital cameras in stores such as these. To find that Pentax is fast becoming a non-player in these retail outlets has to be concerning. Along with that, I haven't seen a Pentax aid on TV or in print in well over a year, maybe longer. What in the world is USA Pentax doing to promote and sell the brand? I also noted that on the new USA Pentax website that the MZ-S is no longer offered. Three film slr's were listed, the ist, ZX-m, and XZ-60. It's a shame that the MZ-S couldn't be made availabe for a little longer.


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