MZ-S with an aperture wheel on the body, metal back, fill flash compensation
and AF assist without RTF-flash.
Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Collin Brendemuehl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 20. oktober 2004 16:03
Emne: One Last Film Body Survey

If Pentax were to produce one last new film cameras, what would you want it
to be?

My choice would be something like the LX but cut cost by eliminating the
removable finder and use a different mirror bumper system that doesn't need
regular maintenance (sticky mirror).  Add the other modes, "A" interface,
and a spot meter & we're set.  Probably a $500 body.  But built to last a

Personally, the AF cameras of Pentax haven't excited me.  They're either too
plasticky (ZX/MZ) or too difficult to hold (PZ/Z).  But I've not having held
the MZ-S yet.  Maybe a scaled-down, affordable MZ-S would be useful as well.


C. Brendemuehl
'Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to
realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.'   Ronald

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