Well, Pentax started selling a camera in 1977 that met all my needs featurewise.

Time has shown a few weaknesses in that camera.
1. The top and bottom plates could be studier.
2. The light seals would be better if they were felt instead of foam.
3. The foam mirror dampner was cheap, but they really should have done something more durable.
4. They might have used jeweled bearings, like in watches, in the shutter.
5. The meter mechanics could have been more durable.

Other than those, and you will notice that they are all things that you would only care about on a camera you planned on keeping forever, I can think of nothing that has been added to cameras since the MX that I need to take better photos.

Features are for sales droids to make you think you need to replace whatever you have because it is old fashioned. None of them are actually needed to take better photos, if you know what you are doing.


Bob Blakely wrote:
I've thought about this a lot...

It would be an LX (size, weight, fit, feel, changeable finders) plus:

Modes: Add Shutter-Priority AE mode.
Metering Spot meter choice.
Shutter: 1/4000th second.
Sync: to 1/250 second.
ISO: to 64000.
Focus: through separate motor drive, and
Focus confirm without motor drive.
(Sensor on light box floor as part of metering sensor.)
Mount sensors/contacts for future servos in lenses.
Media: Easily exchanged Film, Digital backs.
Cost: <$1500.00, Body only, with basic finder
add <$500 for motor drive with coupled Autofocus servo.
add <$200 for winder without Autofocus servo.
add <$2000 for Digital back with 36x24mm, ~14MP sensor.
User replaceable min 2GB microdrives.
add <$1000 for Digital back with 24x16mm, ~6MP sensor.
User replaceable min 2GB microdrives.
Control: Firmware updatable.


Fra: Collin Brendemuehl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If Pentax were to produce one last new film cameras, what would you want it
to be?

My choice would be something like the LX but cut cost by eliminating the
removable finder and use a different mirror bumper system that doesn't need
regular maintenance (sticky mirror). Add the other modes, "A" interface,
and a spot meter & we're set. Probably a $500 body. But built to last a

Personally, the AF cameras of Pentax haven't excited me. They're either too
plasticky (ZX/MZ) or too difficult to hold (PZ/Z). But I've not having held
the MZ-S yet. Maybe a scaled-down, affordable MZ-S would be useful as well.


C. Brendemuehl
'Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to
realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.'   Ronald

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-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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