All is true except the that sniping removes the foolishness.

Bob Blakely wrote:

EBay's goal is to make money. Their stockholders expect them to be running a business and making money. To this end, it's in eBay's interest that:

1. Buyers generally believe that they are paying less than market value and...
2. Sellers generally believe they are receiving better than market value, and...
3. "Players" believe they are "winning" and the other(s) are "loosing", and therefore...
4. "Players" get wrapped up in the "fun" of the "game".

Therefore, foolishness on the part of bidders is to their advantage.

"Sniping" removes the foolishness.

What do YOU think?


From: "Caveman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hmmmm.... just a question, what do you guys think that would happen if e-bay were offering "sniping" services themselves ? i.e. at the moment you want to place a bid, you get a menu asking:

a) place the bid now so that everybody can see it

b) place the bid now but do not show it to anyone and activate it at the auction's end

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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