frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 19:13:22 -0500, Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm off to Chicago for the weekend!
>> My S.O. has a conference there and I'm coming along for the ride. One of
>> the medical companies that's trying to woo all the docs into giving them
>> their business is putting on a party at the House of Blues on Saturday
>> night, so we're going to have some fun!
>> Anyone have any suggestions for photo ops in Chicago in general?
>Of course, I think that such behaviour on the part of drug/medical
>supply companies is reprehensible.  Trying to "bribe" docs into using
>or prescribing their stuff just because they wine and dine them and
>show them a good time.  Maybe they should spend more money on R&D or
>quality control, or making enough flu vaccine for everyone.

Yeah, and Lisa's a pathologist; she doesn't even get close to the level
of "incentives" that the more lucrative specialties see. Docs in fields
which use a lot of drugs get the *serious* wine-n-dine treatment.

>That being said, were I a doctor, I'd be going on every such junket
>offered to me and whooping it up!  <g>

Well, I think the American Society of Cytopathology is paying for Lisa's
plane ticket & hotel. Tri-Path is only putting on the bash at the House
of Blues. I can hardly wait. Saturday night in Chicago at the House of
Blues. I don't have to wonder "will there be anyone good playing?" <g>
(That said, I will be missing Tom Van Veen's band in DC tomorrow night!)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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