On 12 Nov 2004 at 18:30, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> The macro gods have been very, very good to me, and I have a couple of fine
> Pentax lenses.  While preparing to do a close-up of a three dimensional object
> the thought crossed my mind that a macro lens is best suited for flat objects,
> like stamps and documents, rather than something with greater depth like the
> small toy car I was photographing.  Using the A100/2.8 macro and the K105/2.8 
> on
> the same subject, there didn't seem to be any observable difference between 
> the
> two photos.

Aside from their obvious benefits macros lenses are only best suited to 
photographing flat objects as they focus over a flat field, most non-macro 
lenses actually exhibit a semi-spherical "plane" of focus. I'd rather be using 
a macro lens than a standard lens if lighting permits for regular shooting as 
they generally render a more "natural" image. This is why you see so many 
images from me using my Voigtländer 125/2.5 and my A50/2.8 Macro, they are both 
great performers in most any shooting situation.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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