That was, I believe, a John Francis Explanation (tm)


> [Original Message]
> From: William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 11/13/2004 6:26:53 AM
> Subject: Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jens Bladt"
> Subject: RE: Reducing File Size with Photoshop
> > I guess I don't understand what a jpeg compression really does!
> The way it was explained to me (probably by someone on this list).
> Imagine you have 50 identical pennies on a table top.
> An uncompressed file describes each penny in detail.
> A JPEG describes one penny in detail, and then tells you where the 
> other 49 are located on the table.
> Works well, as long as all the pennies really are identical.
> It doesn't work so well when each penny is slightly different, but 
> still within the resolution of the descriptor.
> Thats when data loss starts to be a factor.
> William Robb 

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