Zooms do not inherently have to have noticeable distortion,
sure a lot of cheap ones do, but that does not make it
acceptable or minor problem IMHO. Distortion to me is
a VERY BAD problem and gives a lot a photos a very unprofessional,
amateur look and not just on architecture either. Even
landscapes can easily show distortion problems on horizons or trees.....

With regards to flare prone lenses, more often than
not it CANT be cured with just a lens hood because in my
experience lenses that exhibit flare easily with
non-image incident light on the lens surface, also tend to
exhibit more flare with image light and using a hood
doesn't fix that. The only really effective way to solve the problem of
a flare prone lens is to get rid of it immediately!


-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: Arghhh.... My Tokina AT-X ProII 28-70mm sucks big time
(Lens test results) !!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: Arghhh.... My Tokina AT-X ProII 28-70mm sucks big time 
(Lens test results) !!

> It's  "only" disadvantages is that it has noticeable distortion at
> 28mm
> and that is flare prone? HAR!

The distortion may not be a problem in a lot of shooting situations 
(landscapes and the like), and he did say flare prone compared to an 
SMC lens, which are generally not very flare prone.
Barrel distortion is a problem with a lot of zooms, one just has to 
be aware of it and not put the lens in a situation where it will 
Zooms are like that, everything is a compromise.
Flare is an issue that can often be solved with a lens hood.

William Robb

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