Only a bit more exciting than the lens cap I dropped into a roaring rapids, (possibly safer since I was cling precariously by a sapling to get the shot). Certainly more exotic however.

Don Sanderson wrote:

Dropped it the sea from a chopper.?...?..?.
What a boring life! ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Bladt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 4:57 PM
Subject: RE: Arghhh.... My Tokina AT-X ProII 28-70mm sucks big time
(Lens test results) !!

I managed to fix one problem: For some time I couldn't shift the focus clutch to Auto Focsus, causing the focus ring to move during auto focusing. Below the rubber on the focusing ring, I found a loose screw (part of the clutch mechanism). After tightening this the clutch works right again. But the lens still don't focus at infinity at 28mm. It's probably the bayonet, that's not quite straight after my fall/repair. I may try to get the bayonet replaced.

I did some quick tests - and now it seems to have improved to the same
performance as the Tokina 2.8-4.3 28-70mm at 28mm and still much better at
70mm. It's still not as impressive as it used to be. Not as sharp as the
(very expensive) SMC FA 2.8/28-70mm.

As for flare: I don't have the original tulip shaped lens hood anymore. I
droped it in the sea from a chopper sometime ago. I use a metal
hood, I got
from a water damaged, later version. I think it's not quite as
effective as
the original hood. At 28mm the front element is almost at the front of the
lens barrel. I guess there's not much flare protection at 28mm.

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Andre Langevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt: 14. november 2004 17:43 Til: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Emne: Re: Arghhh.... My Tokina AT-X ProII 28-70mm sucks big time (Lens test results) !!

I have this lens, and I also had the F 35-80 4-5.6, until I sold the
latter last January, and the Tokina is sharper. In fact, it is very
sharp for a zoom lens, its only disadvantages being noticeable
barrel distortion at 28 mm. and that it is a flare prone lens,
compared to SMC Pentax lenses.

Tokina must have put a multi-coating that is not as good as
Angenieux's on its lens as the Angenieux  "father" lens is said to be
very good against flare.


I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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