I frequently use my SMC Pentax 50/1.4 with my *istD, It's probably my most used lens for tabletop shots in the studio. I didn't participate in this thread, because I figured we had run this topic into the ground several times in the past. But I'll be happy to add that in addition to the above mentioned K 50/j1.4, I have a Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 50/1.4, an SMC Pentax 55/1.8, an M 50/1.7, and an M 50/4 macro. They're all quite good. But only the K 50/1.4 and the M 50/4 macro see much use. I've been watching for a good deal on an FA 50/1.4, and will eventually add that to my collection.
On Nov 27, 2004, at 9:01 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Maybe .... but with all those PDMLers who have converted to, or now
primarily use, the istd and similar cameras, it's not surprising that the
ubiquitous 50mm lens has fallen somewhat from favor. Just a guess .... or
maybe the list population is busy digesting turkey and out shopping or
preparing their Christmas lists ;-)) And hasn't Pentax dropped the 1.7 in
the autofocus variations?


[Original Message]

While I like my lenses (otherwise I wouldn't have them), and
especially like the 1.7 for its size and light weight, it doesn't,
to my eye, have any particularly outstanding optical

Yes, Shel, I personally would agree. However, I was just hoping to get some of the "as-yet-unheard-from" 50/1.7 fans involved in the discussion. After all, a thread on "Pentax's Best 50mm Lens" would theoretically be relevant to almost any PDML member - <g>.


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