I have an A50/1.7. I find it to be an excellent lens, sharp and with high contrast. Though I used it quite a bit in the past, it now resides on a back shelf in the equipment closet in a sealed Glad bag with a little packet of silica gel. Of the 50's, I use the A50/1.4 almost exclusively, not that it's better. In fact I think the A50/1.7 is just as good and lighter. It's just that it's what I use of the 50's. Occasionally I throw on the A50/1.2 just because it's big glass, but it's not near as good as the A50/1.4 or A50/1.7. I strongly dislike the A50/2, I think it's crap. Perhaps I just have a bad sample - misfortunes of mass production. The lens most commonly found on my camera is actually the K85/1.8. If you don't have one, you need to get one.


From: "Fred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

While I like my lenses (otherwise I wouldn't have them), and
especially like the 1.7 for its size and light weight, it doesn't,
to my eye, have any particularly outstanding optical

Yes, Shel, I personally would agree. However, I was just hoping to get some of the "as-yet-unheard-from" 50/1.7 fans involved in the discussion. After all, a thread on "Pentax's Best 50mm Lens" would theoretically be relevant to almost any PDML member - <g>.

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