Actually Collin, (I risk my life by mentioning) I've only recently been
getting to know the inbuilt b/w parameters in the 20D. You can shoot b/w RAW
if you like, and the camera also seems to be able to emulate several colour
filters (red, orange, green, blue etc.). I really like the results I've been
getting, and although I haven't made any b/w prints from my shots yet, I
suspect I'd have difficulty differentiating a b/w film print from the
digital shots I've taken.

Already having mentioned Canon, I don't think the following sample b/w cat
pictures will score me any points either:

Taken as large fine jpegs then resized (no other adjustments). technical
details are in the 'details' table.

Some other b/w examples of the b/w 'filters' are on the dpreview review:


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 6:17 PM
Subject: Can you do this in digital?

> In B&W we can affect contrast and gray-level representation of color with
the use of filters.  Some on the camera, some on the enlarger.
> What I'm thinking of is really a question about the "raw" format.  Is it
truely "raw", the simple captured sensor data.
> If it is, are there techniques in place to allow later treatment of the
data as though it were the original light,
> making it monochrome, filtering the colors, and anything else
> that I'd like to do on the front end.
> After it's converted it's not as difficult.
> Is this even on the right track?
> What I'm looking for is the ability to treat digital like film.
> At least in terms of the sequence in handling the data.
> And promise to never pour fixer onto a lens.
> Sincerely,
> C. Brendemuehl
> ________________________________________________________________
> Sent via the WebMail system at

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