----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 1.  Is there a separate manual for the FA* 80-200/2.8?  I'm looking
> at an "SMC Pentax-FA interchangeable Lenses Operating Manual", and
> it says that there is a separate manual for this lens, but I didn't
> find it on the Pentax USA manual download site.

Dunno. Don't think I got one for my FA*28-70/2.8...

> 2.  What's the story with the PZ, AZ, and MODE settings on the side
> of the barrel (and the push button next to the slide switch for
> these settings)?  I understand that the settings are for the "power
> zoom" functions.  However, what's the difference between "power
> zoom" and "auto zoom"?

Power zoom is Electrically powered zoom. Auto zoom is a function by
which some cameras will attempt to keep the size of the subject
constant in the frame, even if the focal distance change. Let's say
(as in the Z-1 manual) that a young, beautiful woman is jogging
towards you. You zoom in to make her fill the frame. If you activate
the Auto zoom, the camera will automatically zoom out as she comes
closer, so that the crop stays the same.

> 3.  Are there differences in how autofocus Pentax bodies work with
> these settings?  Of course, if I use the 80-200/2.8 on one of my
> LX's, I know that the functionality won't work.  However, if my wife
> were to try the 80-200/2.8 on her ZX-5n, what could she do?  (Is
> there more functionality available when the lens is mounted on, say,
> a PZ-1p, for example?)

I know the Z-1 and Z-1p, and the MZ-S supports the motorised zoom
functions. *istD does not.
I have no idea if the other MZ- (ZX-) cameras do.

> What "power zoom" functions are supported on the two digital bodies?
> (Is there a difference between them in this regard?)

None with the *istD. Don't know about the new Ds, but I suspect none.

> Please excuse my ignorance here - I'm basically just an ol' manual
> focus dinosaur (but I think of myself as more of a Velociraptor
> mongoliensis than as a Stegosaurus armatus - <g>).

Cameratus rex. :-)


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