IMO the 43mm is a special lens in terms of its
characteristics. It has a quite high resolution at f8
or so. I think between f2.8 and 5.6 it is also very
good compared to other fast standard lenses. But what
I like most about this lens its color reproduction,
and the contrasty and color-saturated (but IMO not
intrusive) out of focus images. The images have quite
a different look to those taken with the Pentax 50mm
lenses that I have tried (admittedly not the 50/2).  
Some like it others don't, I do

---original message---
Mark Erickson
Fri, 03 Dec 2004 21:16:27 -0800

The collector in me is in conflict with the user, and
I've been wondering:
A clean SMC-A 50mm F2 lens can easily be had for, say,
US$ 50.  The 43mm
Limited lens is a little wider, a tiny bit faster, and
about eight times
more expensive.  Can anyone with real-world experience
comment on how much
better it really is optically?  I'd consider
sharpness, contrast, bokeh, and
any other visible effects fair game.



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