
>  ... It would be
> really interesting to see if any company had the mettle to reduce their
> price by a couple of orders of magnitude to try to corner the market.

it happens quite often. A lot of software is free for non-professional
use, or free through an open source licence. It's not necessarily
done to corner the market. Often it's done just to try and take a
piece away from the market leader. For example, Sun's StarOffice cost
me less than £30- from Amazon; the open source version OpenOffice is
free. For most purposes it's as good as the Microsoft Office suite,
which costs several hundreds of £. In many ways it's better.

The ones who won't reduce their prices are the ones who have already
cornered the market. That's the whole point of a monopoly - you can
charge whatever you want!

Where they face serious competition, or when they're introducing
something new that they want developers to take up, Microsoft also
gives away some very useful software, such as the SQL Server database
engine, Web Matrix and others.


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