
Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 6:30:33 PM, Larry wrote:

> And that's why I left and consulted to the law firm that was representing
> the company from whom they lifted code. It was a really thin line to walk
> while still honoring my original non-disclosure agreement with my former
> employer.

I'd be very surprised indeed if a non-disclosure agreement had any
legal force to stop you from revealing criminal activity.

If you knew your employer was engaged in some illegal activity, and
you were later prosecuted as an accessory, even if you yourself did
not take part in the activity, I don't think you could use the NDA as
a defence either. It would be similar to the discredited 'I was only
following orders' defence.

As far as I know, here in the UK non-disclosure agreements are barely
worth the paper they're written on anyway. At least as far stopping you
from working for a competitor is concerned. I guess the same thing
applies in most of the western countries. It's a free labour market -
you can't be compelled to work for somebody, or prevented from working
for somebody else.


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