On 8 Dec 2004 at 16:34, John Francis wrote:
> Then look at the size of open-source projects that try and do what
> PhotoShop (to continue using that example) is doing.  Image Magick,
> Graphics Magick, and the Gimp have had a lot of development effort
> invested, but they still don't come close to what PhotoShop can do.
> Even if you add in some of the popular shareware (VueScan, say, and
> one of the thumbnail cataloguing programs) you're still a long way
> behind full PhotoShop.

And I bought VueScan quite a few years back and I have rights to perpetual 
upgrades, great value. I went to upgrade my copy of PS to CS to find that I 
can't buy the US$169 product, I have to buy the Aussie version (the same DL 
file, nothing physical) for only AU$399 (US$300+), fair?

I've also owned ThumbsPlus since early V3, I've paid for upgrades along the way 
and I've even had a few of my suggestions implemented in new versions, again 
I'm happy to pay.

Stealing something that's copyright protected is wrong, no question. I wonder 
how much code in a lot of these big apps has been acquired via dubious paths?


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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