1. Have you hung out with good friends lately?
2. Anyone shooting at you?
3. Are you starving?
5. Could you come up with that 90mm if you really wanted it more than anything else?
4 and 6 did not seem like serious wishes.

You can only control your own life, everyone else has to control their own. (been reading Zen again)

So, here we have a guy who has what he wants and does not know it(grin).

My Best Wishes to you Frank. And everyone else on the list too.

graywolf http://www.graywolfphoto.com "Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof" -----------------------------------

frank theriault wrote:

1) Peace on Earth, 2) No more wars, 3) No hunger, 4) A Leica MP with Leicavit and a nice assortment of Leica lenses from about 15mm to 90mm, please, 5) In the alternative, a Leica C 90mm Elmar for my CL, 6) Oh, what the hell, a *ist DS

No chance of any of the above happening, but I can dream, eh?



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