So the *istDS's shakedown cruise continues.  Went down to my local bar to get 
some pictures of Welbilt (great indie-altrock band here in Northern 
Virginia-- look out for 'em: <>) at their regular 
Wednesday show.

The results are on my livejournal:  <>

One more photo, not on that bunch of concert pics:


The *istDS does NOT like underexposure when you've got the ISO cranked up to 
3200:  this was wide open at f/1.4 at 1/10th of a second, handheld, in a 
booth in a dark bar.  RGB noise was awful:  a bit of channel-mixer to kick it 
down to greyscale, a bit of selective gaussian blur to reduce the noise, 
unsharp mask, and suddenly I'm thinking "hey....tri-x!"


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