First camera: Kodak 126
First 35mm used: My Mother's Agfa Silette (non meter version)

Then came the K1000, MX, Z70, MZ5n, more MXen and an LX and finally the

And then the Speed Graphic and a Moskva 5 and the 6x7 (with standard prism).

Fully mechanical doesn't bother me with 120 and larger as I am generally
working slowly, but for fast use I like the *istD.

Ironically at a recent party I took along the *istD and the Speed Graphic.
The RTF flash on the *istD was it's usual uncooperative self and a lot of
the photos were a couple of stops underexposed. The negs from the graphic
using bulb flash were just fine.

Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The question was: "... how many people here have never used a fully manual
camera - no autofocus, no modes, no built-in meter

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