The lens isn't yellow but there is a little black spot or two on it
that I am dearly hoping isn't the dreaded "mold" so often mentioned on

If the spot is on the surface of an outer element it probably isn't mold. You may want to try sterner measures.
Get some Kodak lens cleaning solution and lens tissues. They come with with instructions. If the spot is still there
it could be another problem


Playing, I put the 135 MM Olympus lens from my Ricoh on just to see
what it would be like and I was impressed with it more on the Pentax.

The Pentax certainly has a better view finder. The Olympus lens is probably a real gem from the pre
OM, Olympus FTL. While not multicoated it is probably very sharp. You got a great gift right there.


I have the "eye" of a photographer, or so I am told, but not the skills..

It's very important to have a photographers eye. I keep mine in a jar of formaldehyde on my desk.

I can post some of the shots I've been doing with my Fuji s7000 (My
baby. LOVE that camera...)  if you like, but I'm not efficent enough
with film cameras to want to waste film as yet...

Maybe after a semester at City College...


I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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