"D. Glenn Arthur Jr." skrev:
> Joergen Blomgren wrote:
> > "D. Glenn Arthur Jr." skrev:
> > > Douglas Adams was indirectly responsible for my learning how to
> > > drive a manual-transmission ("stick shift").  Full story
> > > available if people want to hear it.
> >
> > This reminds of one of my favorite passages, I use it all the
> > time to describe a feeling of sudden amazment/failure !
> > I guess you must be partly refering to part of the "fish"-book ?
> Actually, I don't think that one had been published yet at
> the time (though I could check).  No, it wasn't that he
> _inspired_ me to learn to drive stick, but rather that he
> set in motion one of those fundamental-interconnectedness
> chains of events that resulted in my learning stick.
>                                         -- Glenn

Please, tell us the story, you have made me very curios !
It almost sounds like something out of the books ?

Best regards,
J.B  Joergen Blomgren  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
                       home:   user.tninet.se/~soy123d       __________
                                                            /_______  /\
| "There was a point to this story,                       | \  ____/ / /
|  but it has temporarily escaped the cronicler's mind."  |  \ \ \/ / /
| Last sentence in "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" |   \ \ \/ /
| Part Four of Five In the Trilogy                        |    \ \  /
| "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams |     \_\/
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