On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 02:25:16 -0500, frank theriault wrote:

>On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 18:17:09 +1100, Trevor Bailey
>> G'day Frank.
>> Cooee means call, phone, let u know etc etc etc
>> Hooroo means good bye, seeya, byebye, pissenzeoffski, etc etc etc'
>Thanks, Trevor,
>Hooroo I knew (hey, that rhymes! <g>).
>Now I know what Cooee means.  
>It's like you guys have a whole different language down there, eh?  
>(I know you realize I'm just teasing you good-naturedly...)
>cheers (I mean, "Hooroo"),
 indeed we do.
when ya down here, watch out for noahs.
also what you guys call a Fanny means something different down here.


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