My li'l brother's wedding is coming up next month, and I figure it'd be a good thing to have a flash for my D and MX (more concerned with D compatibility, really). Fortunately, I convinced my brother to get someone else to be the main photographer, but I'd be nuts to not have my own camera there.

So I've got a few options:

1) order an AF360FGZ, the most stress-free option, since it has P-TTL and all. The AF-assist beam would be particularly useful at the (probably) low-light reception

2) use my Promaster 7000 (Pentax-dedicated) flash manually and constantly adjust settings to avoid major blowouts.

3) buy the used AF280T (with really nice Pentax grip) that my store has had lying around for ages. This seems to work well with a DS I've been playing with at work, though obviously not on TTL.

4) try to restore the AF280T I was given once, which had some major corrosion in the battery compartment, but may still work.

Any thoughts?

John Celio


AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

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