Can't handle the image of a sizzling posterior, MIke? 


Actually I was referring to the climate, not to anything
salicious....LOL I lived in FL for half my life, where it is LITERALLY
that hot...9 months out of the year you can't sit down in a car w/o
running the AC first....I am speaking english, actually...of a
sort...southern style...My whole clan tends to be rather smart-mouthed
and long-winded...Sue me, it's genetic on BOTH sides...

On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 20:57:19 +0000, mike wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> n/a wrote:
> > Actually I came out here to get away from 300 days a year of my shorts
> > clad fanny sticking to my carseat everytime I wanted to hit the road,
> Too much information!!!  You might want to check up on what you just
> wrote in English, as opposed to American....  8-)
> mike

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