There are three bottles, Developer, bleach-fix,
and stabilzer-wetting agent. The kit I have been
using is a powder kit from freestyle photo supply
and goes by the Arista brand name.

the 85 deg processing times are easy.

developer - 6.5 min (constant agitation)
bleach-fix - 10 min (intermittant agitation)
rinse - 5 mins
stab-wetting - 2 min (intermittant agitation)
hang til dry 

I use a beseler print drum roller to agitate film
tanks for 35mm and 120 and I use print drums to 
develop 4x5/5x7/8x10 FILM sheets on same print drum 
roller. My intermittant agitation is set for 5 seconds on, 25 seconds


-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: Decisions...Decisions...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell" 
Subject: RE: Decisions...Decisions...

> why not do C41 at home too? Its quick, cheap, easy, and wont get 
> mishandled. I have been doing my own for about a year now and would do

> any labs again. I used to think is was hard, I was wrong. I do 85 deg.

> F so all you have to do is warm up the bottles for a few mins befor 
> processing. Results are excellent.

Most people don't realize how simple C-41 processing is.
Are you using a two step or a three step process?

William Robb

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