
>I'll put to you the same challenge I put to Cotty: show me the
>best DSLR-Photoshop B&W you've done, then we'll talk. If you've
>got something up on a web site, let's see it, but real prints
>speak the loudest and the clearest.  

I post photographs pretty regularly, taken with KM A3, Canon
10D, Panasonic FZ10 and now Pentax *istDS cameras ... you can
see the 2004 "Picture A Week" set and "Others" sets on my

It's a potpourri of photos, some casually done and some more
taken a bit more seriously. This is one of my favorite B&W
portraits, taken with a 10D+28/1.8 lens last April:

It prints to an 11x14 very very nicely. Of course, what you see
on the website are derezzed web images and not what is on paper.
It's darn hard to evaluate what the prints look like unless you
actually have one in your hand. I'm printing up to A3 Super
prints in B&W and up to 8x12 in color. Hanging the results next
to work that was done in a wet lab in a show, I have to tell
people which ones were produced with negative and darkroom,
which ones negative/scanner/inkjet printer, and which ones are
digital capture/inkjet printer. 

>To say that you're making the best B&W you've ever done means
>little to anyone but you without knowing the results you were
>getting before.  It may be that what you're doing now IS better
>than what you were doing , but it would be interesting to see
>(not hear about) how that compares to some truly fine B&W
>silver-based prints on good quality fiber-based paper.

Obviously. But I've been doing photography for 42 years and have
had three businesses that made a significant percentage of my
income with my photography in that time, so I suspect the
quality of my prints is decent. 

>"Facile" generally doesn't = quality, nor do higher production
>rates.  They usually mean compromised quality.

More facile means "more easily'. Synonyms for the word "facile"
accomplished, adept, adroit, apparent, articulate, breeze,
child's play, cursory, deft, dexterous, effortless, fast talk,
flip, fluent, glib, glib, hasty, light, obvious, picnic,
practiced, proficient, pushover, quick, ready, royal, shallow,
simple, skillful, slick, smooth, superficial, uncomplicated,
untroublesome, vocal, voluble, walkover
There is no connotation in the word facile of "compromised
quality", only of ease. You should perhaps not read so much into

I'm more productive as I don't waste so much time cleaning up
film defects, and dodging & burning is done much more precisely
and quickly. Less waste, more work. 


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