I'm not crusading for anything. Just reporting what I see. I intend to continue 
shooting film. I enjoy my darkroom, and I find the film process quite 
fascinating. However, I dispute the contention of others, that high quality 
digital BW is impossible and that results that are the equal of traditional BW 
techniques are not possible. I've simply seen evidence to the contrary.
      I'm surprised that you have decided to  turn what had been a polite 
discussion into a personal attack, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised because 
I have seen that from you before. I will not contribute to this thread again. 
Paul Stenquist

> pcn> Most of the pros I've spoken to are shooting digital for
> pcn> both BW and color. Most feel their digital prints are better than
> pcn> the silver prints they produced in years past. In any case, it's
> pcn> obviously the wave of the future for all but hobbyists and some
> pcn> fine art photographers.
> Paul, is this some kind of your crusade or what? Most pros I have spoken too
> are just plain lazy and without time to make silver prints... simply.
> A lot of pros don't recognize a good silver print. After all, their
> output is high gloss paper magazine... A lot of pros don't recognize a
> good print as well. These are just examples.
> Paul, why don't you stop your crusade, and let those who like film,
> just use it in peace? You are just spreading memes... Is it so important to 
> you
> that you convert the others to digital? Each to his own.
> Good light!
>            fra

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